Shenzhen Optlaser Technologies Co.,Ltd is a professional manufacturer who's been engaged in the laser indurstry since 2007.
The DMX protocol itself sends a range of values on one or more channels.
DMX does have 512 channels, named a universe, and on every channel, 255 values can be sent.
As DMX is a digital protocol, receiving devices can be daisy-chained as the addressing is done at the devices.
Every receiving DMX device constantly listens to all channels but only makes use of a few settable determined numbers of channels.
What a value on a channel means for the receiving device depends on the device itself, and if the device has been set to use that channel and value.
e.g. If a device like an RGB lighting PAR does use 3 channels (every channel controls one color like RED, GREEN, BLUE) and the value 0 means 0% brightness
and the value 255 means 100% brightness of the color, and it uses the start channel 5, then a command on the DMX channel 6 with value 255,
send on the DMX universe, makes this LED PAR light up the green light with full brightness (100%).
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